Organization Name:
The Southern Oregon University Sustainability Collective
Describe how you/your organization approach(es) climate action, and what types of engagement you're looking for.:
The Sustainability Collective is a cozy weekly community meet-up designed to foster a culture of responsibility, collaboration and empowerment for campus sustainability through constructive conversations and art (craftivism!). These sessions are open to absolutely anyone- whether you are already passionate about environmental and social justice, activism and organizing, and personal empowerment or wish to learn more. Guest speakers from around the Rogue Valley such as Rogue Climate, "As You Like It" Sexual Resource Center, Lomakatski Restoration Project, the SOU Community garden, and many more come to spread their message and gather volunteers. Crafts range from poster and banner construction, zine making, pin making, collaging, journal making, and music and we are open to suggestions-email us! There is no better time than NOW to act, speak, and inspire- the planet needs you and the community is ready to support you! Come forth and create, one and all!
Other Social:
IG: @sou_studentsustainability