Neighbors for Clean Air envisions an Oregon where every community has clean and healthy air to breathe.
Deconstructing Diesel
Multnomah County is in the top 5 counties in terms of of diesel pollution in the nation. The majority of this pollution, 65%, is caused by out of date construction and off-road equipment. We’re combining science, policy and organizing to improve our air, prevent climate change and confront environmental racism. We’re pushing for greater regulation and programs that will promote the adoption of newer, cleaner technologies. We’re using the following tools:
BREATHE Oregon is a collaboration between Neighbors for Clean Air, the Northwest Environmental Defense Center (NEDC), the Green Energy Institute (GEI), and research scientists at Portland State University. Together, we join forces to identify best practices in reducing air pollution. Breathe Oregon leverages science and policy research to engage communities in advocacy to reduce adverse human health risks from air pollution.
Good Neighbor Agreements
A Good Neighbor Agreement (GNA) is a cooperative agreement in the form of a binding contract between a company and a neighborhood (community) that works to address specific issues of concern in a collaborative way. GNAs encourage better communication between industry and its neighbors, and are commonly used by community groups to mitigate negative health and environmental impacts associated with polluting industries. GNAs are often negotiated when regulations fall short to protect the health and well being of communities. Neighbors for Clean Air has been instrumental in brokering three GNAs, helping frustrated communities negotiate directly with their polluting neighbors.